Inspire Studio write script

I am currently working on HS-1650 tutorial (HS-1650: Beam Cross-Section Study with Inspire Studio ( At Step 9, I received an error after running definition. More specifically:
Error: Inspire Studio write script not found. Set environment variable (HW_HST_CMD_ISTUDIO_WRITE) pointing to inspire studio write script.
Which file in the Inspire Studio directory is the write script?
Thank you!
Hi Terence,
I have Inspire Studio 2022.3 installed and I have HW_HST_CMD_ISTUDIO_WRITE pointing to
C:\Program Files\Altair\2022.3\InspireStudio2022.3\hwx\bin\win64\hw_hst_cmd_istudio_write.bat
Also you need to make the following small modification to hw_hst_cmd_istudio_write.bat for this to work:
On line 77 of this .bat file remove the following '-ex "ExecMainEvo.exe"', so that line 77 reads:
set strCmd=%strArg_FilePath_executable% -cfg -l en -ns -c "Inspire Studio" -v InspireStudio2022 -input %strArg_FilePath_iStudio% -params %strArg_FilePath_hst_input% -output %strArg_FilePath_stl% -errorspreventsave %strArg_Additional%