EDEM API - Empty Visual Studio Projects
Here you can find empty Visual Studio projects for Contact Model and Particle Body Force APIs.
They contain all the files you need to create a new plugin from scratch for the v3.3 Particle Body Force API in EDEM 2022 and v3.4 Contact Model API in EDEM 2022.1.
All functions currently available are included, as well as the generic approach to read a parameter file, access parameter data and manage custom properties. You can simply remove the unnecessary functions and adapt the existing code to your needs.
These projects had been put together using Visual Studio 2017, but there should normally be no problem using an earlier version of the software.
If you do find any issue in the code or you have trouble using these projects, do not hesitate to ask. I will make sure to keep them up to date.
Usage/Installation Instructions
Extract the contents of the Zip to the project folder
Open Visual Studio and browse to the project file to open
These have been set up as per the guide in https://2022.help.altair.com/2022.2/EDEM/Compiling_API_Models_to_Libraries.htm