Create Dummy Optimization
Optimization responses can only be used within an optimization. Nevertheless responses like e.g. DRESP2 (equations …) could also be very useful in analyses, e.g. to define derived result outputs. The script is setting up a dummy optimization. One element will be selected and its property will be a designspace. DOPTPRM are modified so that the optimization will give identical results compared to an ordinary analysis.
Usage/Installation Instructions
1. Define responses.
2. Run script (select responses, select one shell elem).
currently the dummy designspace only accepts shell elements, which means that at least one shell element must exist in the model
Optimization Results Statics
Bulk Data Input Results Topology
Thanks for this useful script.
Here you have an improved version of it, that extended its features to allow the model to have multiple load cases and select the respective responses for each one. It also contains some fool proof measures to mitigate the hassle of deleting existing collectors with the same as the ones generated by the code.0