Error while exporting from hypermesh to acusolve
Altair Community Member
I am trying to export a file from hypermesh 21 to acusolve but getting error.
"Unable to identify component of cell id =20942840"
I dont understand what cell id actually means .
And more intresting thing is that when i try to export the same file again, new cell id appears in error.
above images are the 2 different instances of exporting same file
My guess is those are volume/3D elements that somehow are not in the correct Components. Make sure all surface and volume elements are in the intended components, only the components to be exported are active, all mesh checks pass, etc.
You may want to move to HyperWorks CFD or SimLab for AcuSolve pre-processing. I think the HyperMesh interface for AcuSolve isn't receiving additional updates.