Pretension with /PRELOAD on solid bolt

Altair Employee
edited May 2023 in Altair Exchange


Pretension with /PRELOAD on solid bolt

Preloaded bolts are often used in industry, besides using preload 1d spring elements with /PROP/SPR_PRE. It is also possible in Radioss to use /PRELOAD on solid bolt representations. In this case, the preload is defined on the solid bolt section. 
To create a preload in a bolt, the section option /SECT is first used to define a set of elements where the preload will be applied. The section ID is then referenced in the /PRELOAD input. 
The preload value can be entered as a force (default), or as a stress, depending on the /PRELOAD Itype input option. 

More detailed info about /PRELOAD may be found in the Radioss manual under:

User Guide -> Explicit Structural Finite Element Analysis ->Loads ->Preload


Usage/Installation Instructions

HyperMesh, Radioss, HyperView and HyperGraph