Getting Started with EDEMpy: a Python library for post-processing and analysis of EDEM simulation data

EDEMpy is a Python library for post-processing and analysis of EDEM simulation data and takes advantage of EDEMs hdf5 file structure. Using the library, it is easy to extract specific data from a simulation deck and process that data in a customizable and reusable way.
Using this library users can, for example, extract force acting on a specific geometry over time and compare results back to back between multiple simulation decks, track particles residence time over the course of a simulation, visualize networks of contacts and bonds in a new flexible way, visualize DEM data as a continuum or use EDEM data to calculate post processing properties for their simulations such as segregation index or tortuosity.
You can download the latest release of EDEMpy here(.tar.gz file attached) along with Release Notes and Getting Started guides. PDF attached). The Getting Started guide explains the process of installing EDEMpy and the general structure of the library. There are a number of examples in the Altair community which is a good place to look for inspiration for your own EDEMpy scripts.
Usage/Installation Instructions
The Getting Started guide explains the process of installing EDEMpy and the general structure of the library.