EDEM API-Kneading

Altair Employee
edited July 2023 in Altair Exchange


Here you can find the documentation and API model of the Kneading API Model.

This new model can implement a cohesive phenomenon like baking dough.

In this example, you can simulate what happens when Dry particles and Water particles meet.

Especially Water loss of wet particles when dry particles come into contact was also considered.



*25/July/2023 Updated the dll file and cu file.

Usage/Installation Instructions

You can download the attached file and check the executable and how to use it.


  • zhengyang wu
    zhengyang wu Altair Community Member
    edited March 2023

    Dear Yang,

    Thank you for sharing your technique.

    I noticed the InitialProperty, AbsContactNum, and StatusNum in the factory parameters. these parameters don't seem to be clearly explained in the attachments. So I would like to request if you can provide some explanation.

    Sincere regards

    Zhengyang Wu