Parametrized Absorber Model

Christoph Maeurer_20651
Altair Employee

• Parametrized absorber model to compute the reflection coefficient for a plane wave
• Model with dielectric absorber and PEC plane behind the absorber
• Models for FEM and SEP available
• Efficient approach with periodic boundary conditions (PBC)
• Fully parametrized model allows easy optimization or sensitivity analysis using OPTFEKO or HyperStudy
• Version: CADFEKO2022.0
Model can be loaded and simulated in CADFEKO 2022.0
More details about the model an design variables in the attached pdf-document
Usage/Installation Instructions
Tipps & Tricks:
• In Feko different options to model dielectrics are available. In this case FEM (Finite Element Method) is faster than SEP (Surface Equivalence Principle).
• Notice, that the FEM model contains an FEM airbox around the dielectric absorber. This trick is reducing the runtime significantly!
• The method can be defined in the solution tab of the region properties.
• In this example the incident direction of the plane wave is perpendicular to the absorber wall, but arbitrary incident directions could be defined for the plane wave.
More details in the attached pdf-document