Compute automatically shear forces from individual Y and Z components

Michael Herve_21439
Michael Herve_21439
Altair Employee
edited March 27 in Altair Exchange


In Radioss as in other solvers, forces are frequently output by component (X, Y Z). Even if in Radioss many forces now allow direct access to normal and shear forces as extra outputs, there are still some cases (eg: Radioss TYPE13 or TYPE25 springs) where the user needs to compute the shear force.

The attached Compose script is an example which reads forces (from a rigid wall for the demo T01 file), computes shear forces, and export an abf file that can be read in HyperGraph with the shear resultant force.

This script supports any version of Radioss T01 file.


Please note this is a POC script. Feel free to use the Comments section to share any thought/improvement we culd consider in the future to improve this script.


Have Altair Compose installed (separate package)

Usage/Installation Instructions

Open the script in Compose

Change the input file

Run the script