Create Incremental Nlstat Subcases

Altair Employee

Create single sequential subcases based on one NLSTAT subcase, and split the load and combine them with CNTNLSUB. This is useful when e.g. load-displacement curves are needed and currently NLSTAT is not writing incremental results into *h3d.
Multiple subcases can be selected. Now also works with LOAD cards (scale factor will be adapted) and enforced displacements (SPCD/SPC will be scaled).
Usage/Installation Instructions
- Load NLSTAT model
- Run script
- Select subcases and define number of increments
- Create curves in HV use derived loadsteps
Limitation: # only uses LOAD ids in subcaes (FORCE, MOMENT, PLOAD, LOAD, SPCD) - e.g. TEMP is not considered # script is using directories, was not checked with Linux/Mac # only >= HM13.0
Functionality: Quasi-Static Non-linear
Subfunctionality: Bulk Data Input Results
Interface: Bulk Data Format OptiStruct