Reconnaissance Pod System

Altair Employee
edited August 2023 in Altair Exchange


A Reconnaissance Pod is a key system of an aircraft that provides stabilized and high-resolution images of a target during the flight.

Download the Reconnaissance Pod .zip file to access the model and the analysis approach:

  • This model is a 2 DOF system made by different integrated subsystems such as: motors, controllers and multi-body system
  • These systems must have a robust control in order to provide accurate images regardless of aircraft flight route deviation or maneuvers in high speeds

This example shows: 

  • How to model a Reconnaissance Pod in MotionView
  • Analyze the system in different fidelity levels
  • Integrate the control system through the mechanical using a Closed Loop in Activate
  • Run a co-simulation between MotionSolve and Activate

Usage/Installation Instructions

Follow steps given in the pptx