This example script applies a Report Template on multiple simulation run data and writes min/max and peak position values of each curve to an external file.
Edit TCL script as follows:
Line 16:
Path to Report-TPL-file
Lines 22 ff.
Definitions for data the TPL should be applied with.
Line 66 or 68:
Use on these lines for usage in GUI or Batch mode.
Line 68:
For Batch mode edit this line with path to external file to be written.
Usage/Installation Instructions
Run script e.g. from DropDown File > Load > Script
Depending on data, select Unit system to be used for plotting.
See in path defined in Line 68 of script that CSV-file is written.
Contains data in format:
Peaks X/Y
0.00276097/511.215; 0.00412109/437.425; 0.00616219/526.476;