EDEM Research Spotlight- Measurement and Verification of Friction Coefficient Using Experiments and DEM Simulation

Altair Employee
edited October 2023 in Academic
Seunghyun Lee
Kumoh National Institute of Technology, South Korea
Mechanical Design Engineering
Junyoung Park
Discrete element method is one of the most common methods to simulate granular flow. The material properties used are quite influential on the results. In this project, some experiments are performed to measure friction coefficients. The accuracy of the measured friction coefficients is confirmed by the test of angle of repose and hopper flow. Various experiments have been carried out to measure the coefficient of static friction and the coefficient of friction between particles and particles and between particles and containers. Also, to confirm the accuracy of the friction coefficient obtained by the experiment, the discharge amount of the actual hopper measured by PIV was compared with the discharge amount of the DEM simulation.
Fig. 1. Snapshot of a hopper discharge simulation

Fig. 2. Snapshot of a hopper discharge simulation

Fig. 3. Snapshot of a hopper discharge simulation
Fig. 4. Snapshot of a rotating drum simulation
Fig. 5. Snapshot of a rotating drum simulation
I felt that EDEM had a more convenient interface than other commercial software. I also think that the simulation analysis time is fast.
Seunghyun Lee
Kumoh National Institute of Technology