EDEM Research Spotlight- DEM Simulation of Granulated Metallic Powder Impact on a Spray Dryer Wall
- Kwon Joong Son
- Hongik University, Korea
- Mechanical and Design Engineering
- Kwon Joong Son
- 10/2016 - 10/2017
This project aims to investigate the influence of the rotational velocity of a rotary disc atomizer on the impact behavior of the granulated and spray dried metal powder. Given the size and striking velocity of a certain granulated powder, its impact on the spray dryer wall was computed using the discrete element method (DEM). Such simulation enables to predict whether the granulated powder preserves cohesion or not after a collision with the chamber wall. Losing cohesion (or being fractured) during spray drying means the decrease of a yield rate and productivity in the metal power granulation process. Hence, the simulation results of this project are helpful in the process design of granulated powder production.
Fig. 1. Granulated powder before collision
Fig. 2. Granulated powder during collision
Fig. 3. Granulated powder after collision
EDEM provides various contact models and convenient application programming interface both of which are useful in performing DEM impact simulations of a granulated powder on a rigid wall.