EDEM Research Spotlight- An Abrasive Wear Model for High-speed Steel Work Roll at High Temperature
- Hoang The Phan
- University of Wollongong, Australia
- School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
- Prof. Kiet Tieu
- 2014 - 2017
As the cost of roll wear in hot strip rolling was estimated to be as much as 10% of total cost of steel production, the longer work roll life will extend the rolling campaign, increase productivity and reduce costs. Numerous empirical wear models have been used in the steel rolling industry on a trial and error basis but they are limited specifically to a particular plant. The aim of the project is to investigate wear mechanism of High-Speed Steel (HSS) rolls in hot strip rolling by modeling. This work presents a novel 3D Breakage Carbides Model (BCM) in the Discrete Element Method (DEM) framework implemented in EDEM 2.7.3 software. With the proposed BCM the abrasive wear of carbides embedded within the oxide layers of HSS material is modelled by scratching a multitude of carbides which can be broken, and it has not been reported elsewhere. For the first time, we have been able to quantify the effect of realistic carbide size; distribution and orientation on the wear of HSS roll material. It is believed that a finer carbide size and a closer distance between them would result in an improved performance and properties of the work roll in hot rolling. This approach can make a remarkable contribution to the contact mechanics in hot rolling and to the ability to predict roll wear that will significantly improve the product quality and the hot rolling process. SPONSOR Australian Research Council PUBLICATIONS T.H. Phan, Tieu A.K., Hongtao Z., Buyung K., Qiong W., Qun F., et al., A study of abrasive wear on high speed steel surface in hot rolling, App Mech Mater (2016) 846 589. H.T. Phan, Tieu A.K., Zhu H., Kosasih B., Zhu Q., Grima A., et al., A study of abrasive wear on high speed steel surface in hot rolling by Discrete Element Method, Tribol Int (2017) 110 66-76.

Fig. 1. Carbides morphology from SEM image

Fig. 2. Scratching simulation in XY Plane View (a) hiding oxide material and (b) showing oxide material
Fig. 3. Wear occurs and particles (oxide and carbides) detached during scratching event

Fig. 4. SEM morphology of real industry HSS work roll

Fig. 5. Wear loss vs. scratching depth beneath the surface with three tip sizes for dense carbides scratching
Easy to use in terms of model set up. [...] It is a powerful tool to study the abrasive wear of complex composite materials containing different material properties.