What's new in Altair® Radioss® 2022.3?

Altair® Radioss® 2022.3 Highlights
Introducing this 2022.3 release, with a constant focus on improving user experience, robustness, and performance, including the ability to read directly LS-DYNA[1] input format, Altair Radioss broadens the community of users and lowers the entry barrier to adopt cutting-edge simulation for crash & safety in automotive, aerospace, and railway, drop tests in electronics and consumer goods industry, as well as shocks and fluid structure interaction for defense and civil applications.
To make this solver even more accessible and increase the innovation pace, since September 8th, 2022, Radioss is available as a commercial and open-source license under the name OpenRadioss™.
New Feature Developed by OpenRadioss Community Expands Altair Radioss Capabilities
In this Altair Radioss 2022.3 release, we want to recognize the first important development coming from the community since the launch of OpenRadioss.
/FAIL/SYAZWAN provides a simplified failure criterion based on a fracture surface with linear damage accumulation. It also provides the initialization of damage value using strain histories with linear strain path assumptions, a useful feature to take forming effect into crash simulation.
It was originally implemented by its author, Mohd Syazwan Abdul Samad PhD, in OpenRadioss open-source code freely available under https://github.com/OpenRadioss.
Then, it was integrated into the commercial release of Radioss 2022.3, enhancing its performance and ease of use, with advanced validation to make it a robust option for production work.
What a wonderful example of the synergy between the commercial and the open-source version!
Advanced Modeling of Damage and Failure with Radioss
In addition, this 2022.3 release brings another easy to use failure model named /FAIL/INIEVO that allows a two-step failure approach, divided into an initiation phase, in which damage has no effect on the stress computation, and a damage evolution phase, in which a stress softening can be generated.
To learn more about Altair Radioss 2022.3
To have more details about the Altair Radioss 2022.3 release content, please, consult the release notes.
To meet OpenRadioss Community
The OpenRadioss Community are thrilled to be invited by Prof. Dr.-Ing Thilo Roeth and his team, to FH Aachen, University of Applied Science, Germany, birthplace of SkyCab for their 2023 Users’ Day on 27th June 2023.
To learn more about this engaged and fast growing community, to meet members, engineers and researchers from academia and industry, we encourage everyone interested in explicit dynamics simulations to participate to this one day in-person conference. Please, use this link to register!
[1] LS-DYNA® is a registered trademark of Livermore Software Technology Corporation, which is an affiliate of Ansys, Inc. Hereunder, there is no actual or implied affiliation, endorsement, or sponsorship of any kind.