What's New in HyperWorks 2021.1? Explicit Solver Interfaces and Safety Tools updates
Vincent Dampure_22456
Altair Employee
Have you seen the new HyperWorks 2021.1 functionality available for explicit solver interfaces (Radioss, LS-Dyna, Pam-Crash) and for safety tools (airbags, seat belts, dummy positions and pedestrians)?
If not, check-out this video to learn about the latest features on explicit interfaces and crash for the HyperWorks 2021.1 release.
The main topics covered are:
- HyperMesh Radioss interface:
- Include management
- Airbag reference geometry entity
- Model checker improvements
- Export deck formatting
- HyperMesh LS-Dyna interface:
- File drive mapping
- Include management
- Airbag reference geometry entity
- Model checker improvements
- HyperMesh Pam-Crash interface:
- Modular Materials and Modular Parts
- Airbag reference geometry entity
- Failure entity
- Transformation sequence
- Parametrization enhancements
- HyperGraph for LS-Dyna solver:
- Alignment of Binary and ASCII outputs
- HyperWorks Safety Tools:
- Airbag folding solution
- Seatbelt tensioning tool
- THOR – IRTRACCs positioning
- Pedestrian tool enhancements
To jump to particular topics within the video, follow the direct links in the <play video> bar.