PBS Professional 2022.1.1 Released

Hi, PBS Professional version 2022.1.1 is now available for download. PBS Pro "Base Scheduler", "Simulate", and "Cloud" packages have been updated. "Budget" packages remain as version 2022.1.0.
PBS Pro 2022.1.1 is a bug fix release with the following fixes:
PBS-28956 Node state and node comments are not persistent after PBS restart
PBS-28885 Replace interpreter restart with GC
PBS-28850 Jobs would get killed when run with cgroups enabled
PBS-28817 Delete vnodes of cloud nodes before unbursting
PBS-28816 Available license count calculation is incorrect in cloud hook
PBS-28810 qstat temporary files are not getting cleared from tmp directory in cloud hook
PBS-28803 Job throughput may be reduced with hooks configured
PBS-28731 simulator works without SIM_LICENSE_LOCATION set
PBS-28616 Daemonized qsub causes foreground qsub failures when it decides to quit.
It is strongly recommended to upgrade to this version from prior releases rather than to 2022.1.0, since the PBS-28956 fix is directly related to overlay upgrades to version 2022.1.0 and will be avoided by upgrading directly to version 2022.1.1.
There are no new version 2022.1.1 admin/user/etc. guides, the 2022.1.0 guides are still current. The 2022.1.1 Release Notes contain 2 new sections of note:
Section 2.15: documenting a new attribute for pbs_server Python restarts and garbage collection to manage memory usage
Section 2.5.1: discussing OpenSSL version requirements for hooks which import the ssl module (such as the cloud bursting hook)