Structural simulations for the Oil and Gas industry in minutes... not hours or days!

The oil and gas industry is no stranger to challenges. Over the years, the industry has successfully navigated these challenges by the hard work and innovation of its workforce. In today’s world, the challenges come from an extremely competitive energy market, the growth of renewable energy and the public’s increasing demand for minimizing the environmental footprint. The industry is adapting to these challenges via a massive digital transformation initiative leveraging innovative solutions for its success.
One of the aspects of this digital transformation is the ability of the oil and gas companies to perform larger and quicker simulations on just about everything. We can no longer just rely on “when in doubt, build it stout”. Structures need to be efficiently designed, and their performance extensively tested, so that life expectations are exceeded. After all, the last thing a company wants is to over design or worse under design their equipment because they did not have adequate time to do a proper validation on all of their feasible designs. Having the ability to run multiple design iterations within minutes instead of days can enable designers and engineers to make sound decisions and develop the right products, faster.
Take for example the ubiquitous skids. Skids are robust frames typically built with standard section steel beams on which equipment is mounted and transported. Two important design considerations on a skid are its lifting and vibration characteristics. The design of the skid will depend on the equipment being placed on it. It is expected that for its normal operating conditions, the skid will perform in its linear range. A typical analysis of a skid model can take from a week to three weeks. Most of this time is spent in the detailed modeling of the skid structure to satisfy the element thru thickness and aspect ratios requirements of traditional finite element modeling.
This is where a structural analysis environment like Simsolid can provide tremendous benefit to the design engineers and analysts, as it will enables you to conduct multiple structural simulations in minutes, rather than waiting for days. SimSolid achieves this by eliminating the need for geometry simplification, meshing and by incorporating a unique multi-pass adaptive solver. SimSolid’s technology allows you to efficiently simulate complex parts and large assemblies on a desktop class computer.
SimSolid supports all major CAD formats and also provides integration to SolidWorks, Onshape and AutoDesk Fusion 360. This integration allows you to access SimSolid seamlessly within these CAD environments. Simsolid supports Modal, Linear, Non-Linear, Transient, Frequency Response, Random Response and Thermal analyses.
Simsolid has been put through the test by us (verification manual) as well as by engineers around the world in various industries as well as by independent organizations like NAFEMS (
We are confident Simsolid will bring significant efficiencies to you and your teams. Don’t take my word for it… see it for yourself. You can learn more about SimSolid and download a fully functional trial version of Simsolid from: