Altair SimLab News Letter : Edition June 27, 2024

Altair Employee

Hello Everyone,
Please find the below newly added features which will be available in the upcoming SimLab release (SimLab 2024.1).
Solution: Electro Magnetics
Solver: Flux
- Thin Region: MAC3D/MT3D Solution > Analysis
- Thin regions have been added to MAC3D and MT3D solutions.
- Different types available depending on the solution type: air gap, hyperbolic current conductor, magnetic non-conducting, perfect insulator in conductor.
- Format and Execute Options: MAC3D/MS3D/MT3D Solution > Analysis > Settings > Right Click
- New options for enabling automatic creation of Magnetic Circuit Cuts and Electric Loop Cuts in Flux.
- The options are enabled by default.
- User can still generate the cuts manually. The icons have been moved to ‘More Tools’ in the Analysis ribbon.
Solution: Particle Flow
Solver: AcuSolve
- Particle Factory: Particle Flow Solution > Analysis > Boundary Conditions
- Support added for different velocity input types.
- Linear, Normal, Random and Spray-type
- Support added for different velocity input types.
- Added support to setup initial particle positions in the following types of arrangement.
- Cubic
- Added support to setup initial particle positions in the following types of arrangement.
- Added support to input a fixed initial orientation for the particles.
Solution: Static Stress & Dynamic Stress
Solver: OptiStruct
- NonStructural Mass: Static Stress / Dynamic Stress Solution > Analysis > Loads and Constraints > Drop Down
- Enhanced the tool to give face input from shell bodies and edge input from bar bodies.
Solution: SPH Flow
Solver: nanoFluidX
- Body conforming mesh: Analysis > Solve > Export and Solve
- As nanoFluidX supports solid body confirming mesh for the variable resolution, this current feature helps to export the Tet mesh as a new particle file format “phase xcoord ycoord zcoord spacing-ratio”.
- Duplicate particles close to each other are removed automatically while exporting.
- This feature is available under an environment variable “SIMLAB_SPH_BODYCONFORMAL” and is being used for internal testing purposes only.
Solution: Drop Test
Solver: Abaqus
- Create Properties By Element: Abaqus Drop Test Solution > Right Click
- Following options are added in the Create property dialog
- Update existing property: It overwrites / assign the property based on the user selected Abaqus element type.
- Create Default materials for bodies: If the material is not assigned to a body, default material will be created, and property is assigned based on the user selected Abaqus element type.
- Following options are added in the Create property dialog
- DOE – Using Drop Test Solution: Solutions > Advanced > DOE
- Folder structure is maintained based on the first parameter defined in the DOE table.
- Note: To achieve the folder structure,
- Select the “Mesh Material and Property” option in the include file structure format (Abaqus Drop Test Solution > Settings > Right Click > Format and Execute Option)
- Turn ON the Skip Solver Run option as True (DOE Solution > Settings > Right click > Execute options)
- Export Solver Input File: Abaqus Drop Test Solution > Right Click
- Impact surface (Rigid floor) will be defined by one quad element with hardcoded nodes and element ID.
- Note: Select the “Mesh Material and Property” option in the include file structure format (Abaqus Drop Test Solution > Settings > Right Click > Format and Execute Option)
- Align to Board: Electronics > Tools
- Now, the tool will align the chip bodies to the board, even if the chip bodies are slightly angled. In SimLab 2024, it will align only if the chip is parallel to the board.
- Create 3D Motor: Advanced > Electromagnetics > Create
- A new geometric modeling tool for 3D electric motors
- Inputs: 2D CAD bodies (from CAD import or sketching)
- Modeling type
- Step-skewed or non-skewed
- Periodic or full model
- A new geometric modeling tool for 3D electric motors
- Renumber: Assembly Browser > Model Right-click
- While performing “Renumber” through “Model right-click”, the Elements will be renumbered with respect to the ‘Body Element type’ option in the Renumber dialog.
- The above behavior is also supported for the “Renumber” option in “File > Export > Solver Input File > StarCCM+”
Thanks & Regards,
Sr. Manager, Quality Assurance
Altair | Nasdaq: ALTR
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