Using the SEARCH TOOL (Ctrl+F) to quickly create entities in HyperMesh
Hi all,
Some versions ago, HyperMesh has introduced a very simple, but extremely useful tool in the GUI.
As it is so simple, many users still don't know it and don't use it often. I hope to bring you this utility.
It is simply a 'Search Tool' embed into HyperMesh. For launching it, just press Ctrl+F in your keyboard.
Once you launch this tool, it will open a small text box in the top right corner of your screen.
Just type what you're looking for, and it will complete for you, showing what are the options available.
You can easily access panels, toolbars, and things that might be inside some old panel, with minimum effort.
Another example typing 'cons', shows you many different options to quickly create something related to constraints.
The thing that I think is the best in this option, besides being easier to find that option that you rarely use, is that if you are in a particular user profile, such as OptiStruct, you can also use this for creating some solver specific cards on the fly, with very few clicks.
For example, you want to create a 'EIGRL' card for OptiStruct modal analysis. Just use Ctrl+F, type 'eigrl' in the search box, and select the 'EIGRL' option in the search box. It will automatically create the load collector for it, with the correct card image. You will not need to change it or go to the browser to change it.
You can try this with many other commands and cards that you use in your daily basis.
Also for those who are migrating for the new HyperWorks interface, it makes life much easier to find commands by their names.
I hope this is useful to you all.
Hi Adriano Koga,
I meant using the Tool page> Build menu can we not open the ls dyna solver card.