Bushing PBUSHT / TABLEG - Force-deflection-curve - which column is which?
Jens Winter
Altair Community Member
When creating a bushing element with CBUSH and defining the properties of the bushing with a PBUSHT card, which references TABLEG cards to define a load-deflection-curve, which of the columns has to be the load and which deflection? Or asking the other way round: in the example below, where the first value is the deflection, the second value is the force, do I have to use XY or YX?
$ CBUSH* 1401 27 1401 2401 * 3 $ PBUSHT* 27 KN 1 2 * 3 $ TABLEG* 1 LINEAR XY * 0 * -0.35 -20000.0 * * -0.3 -8500.0 * * -0.2 -3500.0 * * -0.15 -2000.0 * * -0.1 -1200.0 * * 0.0 0.0 * * 0.1 1200.0 * * 0.15 2000.0 * * 0.2 3500.0 * * 0.3 8500.0 * * 0.35 20000.0 * $
as far as i remeber you need to use TABLED1 to input displacement x force curve, in this order. First collumn disp and second, force.