Panopticon 2022.0 now available!

Panopticon 2022.0 is now available to all licensed users, and we recommend that all customer organizations plan their upgrades now. This update applies to Panopticon Real-Time and Panopticon Streams.
Panopticon 2022.0 of data import, model evaluation and deployment, R integration, and general usability. It also adds support for new versions of the Windows operating system.
This short video highlights the major improvements in Panopticon 2022.0:
- Panopticon 2022.0 supports data-driven parameters in analytical dashboards. These store values extracted from specified columns within specified data tables and enable designers to build dashboards that automatically display the data most relevant to the viewer. Data-driven values also support use of data values as variable text components for adding natural language narrative text to dashboards. For more detail, see pages 368 through 371 of the Panopticon Web Authoring Guide.
- Cumulative Sum, Cumulative Sum by Max, Intercept, Percent of Parent Reference, and Percent of Total Change aggregations have received overhauls that make them easier to configure and understand.
- Panopticon 2022.0 enables designers to assign parameters for any type of action with a constant value. Users are no longer limited to transferring only values selected from a data table or required to include a constant value in a data table column. With this release, users can simply enter a constant as a parameter. For more detail, see page 872 of the Panopticon Web Authoring Guide.
- Panopticon 2022.0 includes numerous additional updates that allow users to build and deploy dashboards in less time and produce visualizations that are easier to interpret.
These improvements enable designers to build and modify dashboards faster and to communicate how dashboards work to analysts more effectively.
- Panopticon 2022.0 delivers a powerful new feature called Delta Updates. This supports better communication between servers and clients that makes use of streaming sources easier than ever before. With the Delta Update feature enabled, only data that was added since the previous update will be transferred between server and client (instead of transferring a complete set of updated data.) This greatly reduces the amount of data that must travel through the network and reduces latency as well. This improvement will be most noticeable in applications that typically see large numbers of small updates in their streaming sources. For more detail, see 406 of the Panopticon Real-Time Install Reference.
- Transforms in R or Python in combination with streaming data sources are now better able to continue performing properly with intermittent data streams. Users can save data input schemas and sample data along with the transform settings. The system also displays output schemas when users run tests of their scripts.
Analysts will see more responsive dashboards that are able to display data updates in less time and handle larger data loads without seeing increased latency. In IoT implementations and other deployments that may be required to access data from unreliable streaming sources, the software will be more robust and make interruptions in data streams less noticeable to users.
Coding Support
- Panopticon 2022.0 supports several improvements in the code editing environment for Python, R, and SQL. We have added new syntax color highlights and row numbering to make it easier to spot typos and missing commas. The code editing windows are resizable and the code entry field in Script Actions is larger and resizable.
Users who wish to incorporate coded modules into their dashboards will require less time to write, debug, and test their code.
As previously announced, the Panopticon Designer product for Windows is no longer supported and is not included in this release. Click here for more detail (log in to user forum required).
Find all the download links for the software and documentationon the AltairOne Marketplace website
We are happy to help clients plan their upgrades and walk them through the changes in this new release. Please contact Theo S. Klemming to arrange a customer call to review this new release.