Post-Processing Updates in HyperWorks 2022.1

Varun Venkateswaran
Altair Employee

Gain Greater Insights Into Your Simulation Results With Altair® HyperWorks® 2022.1
In HyperWorks 2022.1, we have made several useful post-processing enhancements that will help you gain greater insight into your simulation results.
Read this quick summary or simply watch this 30 min webinar to learn about what has been added to this release. For your convenience, direct links to the individual chapters of the presentation are available in the video.
HyperMesh Post:
- A new legend entity has been introduced to make the job of creating custom legends for different types of plots easier.
- Hotspot Finder and Query tools have been enhanced to work with cached definitions in the HV-Upfront Loader profile. This will allow user to run a hotspot search based on any of the cached result definitions and view both that result and additional results in the critical hotspot regions. Similarly, you can query any of the cached results at an entity. These updates make it possible to gain a greater understanding of your simulation results.
- Element Sets can be used to exclude certain elements from your hotspot search.
- New templex expressions have been introduced to query key entity information and show them in a Note.
- Visualize the tracing profile of a set of nodes on a graph using the Create Curves option in Trace tool. A usecase can be to pick a set of nodes along a cross section and trace its deformation on an XY plot. Watch the video to understand the several enhancements that have been made to support this usecase.
- Easily refresh your contour, iso, vector or tensor plot when the display changes using the hotkey W (or equivalent context menu option or HWC command).
- Several other useful enhancements have been made in HyperView addressing various customer needs.
HyperGraph & Report:
- Learn about improvements in TableView client and support for OptiStruct and Radioss solver results.
- Miscellaneous improvements to Reporting.