PBS Professional 2022.1 Now Available!

Scott Campbell_21662
Altair Employee

Hi, I am happy to announce that PBS Professional 2022.1.0 is now available!
The release and documentation are now live on the PBS Professional User Area, Altair Connect, and Altair One Marketplace.
This release brings many exciting new features to customers, including:
Greatly increased flexibility and customization options for complex site-specific needs via new server host plug-in trigger points:
- When a job ends
- When configuration change is made via management interface (qmgr)
- When nodes change state
- When a reservation is confirmed, begins, or is modified
- When a job enters an execution queue
Changing priorities and requirements can be accommodated by adding nodes/resources to running reservations
Increases in robustness and ease of maintenance:
- Multi-node jobs can continue to run through pbs_mom restart
- Scheduler can be run as non-root user
- ~500% job deletion speedup (qdel)
- Additional performance/throughput improvements
Cloud Bursting:
- “Simulator Driven” Bursting
- Optimized cloud bursting to minimize costs & maximize successful bursting
- Simulator estimates cloud resources needed (all select & place options supported)
- Management of low latency network scaling for scale-up of network groups
- Application license considered in bursting decision
- Enhanced “OCI BM RDMA” bursting
- Advanced management of OCI BM RDMA Infrastructure
- Additional Features:
- Flexible burst instance tagging allowing: a-z A-Z 0-9 -_()@
- AWS bursting from behind a proxy
- AWS EFA support for burst instances
- Cloud hook message logging for disabled scenarios
- “Cloud Cost Integration” allows sites to allocate cloud costs against Budget:
- Customized Formula Framework: Cost model includes your cloud instance costs
- Target cloud & on-Prem jobs with different cost models
- Utilize a single formula (e.g. $'s) or multiple (e.g. core_hours & cloud_hours)
- Cloud Cost API:
- Interface to map instances costs to cloud accounts
- Budget Aware Cloud Bursting:
- Consider budget availability before bursting
- Hold jobs which are over budget
- Job Quotes Framework Integration:
- User "Job Quotes" for on-prem and cloud submission
Other WLM Enhancements:
- Configurable file copy and mailer command
- Reservation delete_idle_time can be added/modified
- Runone job dependency now full GA feature
- Obfuscate previously captured snapshots for confidential external sharing
- Rocky Linux 8 and Windows 11 Pro now supported
- Updates/improvements alongside core PBS Professional scheduler