Calculated vs Simulated Weld Stress Results
I'm analyzing a crane design. The FEA results do not match up with the analytical calculations. For example, when analyzing this connection between a piston and a post:
I assumed this weld pattern:
with the welds being 9 mm fillets.
The connection is loaded vertically, with the load being offset from the weld pattern:
I calculated the primary and secondary shear stresses on the weld pattern and found the max stress (at the top/bottom of the weld pattern) to be 3.4 MPa.
I assumed a E60xx weld electrode with a yield strength of 345 MPa. I assumed a shear yield strength of 50%. My calculated load factor was therefore 50.
I then simulated the structure and found stress values that were an order of magnitude larger than calculated:
I isolated a small section around the connection and simulated it with the backplate (section of the post) fixed at the edges:
I simulated the section again, but constrained the entire face of the backplate. The stresses again dropped by 50% but were still much larger than calculated:
After mesh refinement, the large stress value is concentrated in the corner(s). The stress values adjacent to the corner are closer to the calculated values, but still higher:
What am I doing wrong and/or how do I reconcile the discrepancy between the calculated and simulated results?
I believe you're evaluating a singularity region in there, and the more you refine, the worse it will get.
Please, consider using the embed Wled fatigue modeling in OS, as mentioned in your other post.