Why does cubic lattice not produce any particle?

satri Altair Community Member
edited March 2024 in Community Q&A

I am trying to create one (Only 1) meta particle in a factory But i keep getting this error message. 


I have a factory that is 1000 by 1000 microns wide I want to create a meta particle at the location (10,0,0)micron whose particle diameter is 7.5micron and length is 1000micron



(I gave 0 as well as less separations and still it would not generate particles)

This is such a simple case..I can generate particles when i pick random positions. why does specifying the position not give me anything?



  • jerrinjobs
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2024

    Hi Shyam

    Your particle is 1000 micron size, and your factory size is also 1000 micron. EDEM will not create particle if the particle is intersecting any part of the geometry. You can increase your factory size, and EDEM should be able to create the particle for you.

    Jerrin Job

  • satri
    satri Altair Community Member
    edited February 2024

    No particle diameter is 7.5micron i am creating the chain horizontally it is not intersecting anything

  • jerrinjobs
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2024

    Hi Shyam


    You mentioned that the length of your particle is 1000 micron. The increase in the factory size must help create your particle.

    Jerrin Job


  • satri
    satri Altair Community Member
    edited February 2024


    I increased the length from 1000 to 2000 for the factory. I get the same error message

  • jerrinjobs
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2024

    Hi Shyam

    Please do the following:
    Increase the factory to 2500 micron each side of the virtual factory box.
    Ensure that 10,0,0 is the center of the box.

    Hope this helps.

    Jerrin Job

  • satri
    satri Altair Community Member
    edited February 2024

    Well it does not solve the problem.

    I increased the box dimensions to 14000x14000 micron and increased the factory size to 7000x7000 microns. and i gave the first point as 0,0,0 for generation and separation of 30,0,0

    Now the error is gone but no particle is generated as well


  • jerrinjobs
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2024

    Hi Shyam

    I don't understand your image - Are you using a plane or a box as your factory? Is your factory centered at 0,0,0? Is your factory box of the size 2500*2500*2500? Is there any physical object inside your factory box? Is the domain size atleast the size of your factory? Is the domain centered at the factory center?

    If your answers are Box, Yes, Yes, No, Yes, Yes, please let me know and I will send you an email separately about this.

    I am not commenting on the spacing because you only have one particle.

    These are not the conditions for particle generation in a factory, but these are the various reasons why your particle is not generating in the factory.

    Hope this helps.

    Jerrin Job

  • satri
    satri Altair Community Member
    edited February 2024

    The answers to your questions are as follows

    q1, Are you using a plane or a box as your factory?

    a1, Plane

    q2, Is your factory centered at 0,0,0?

    a2, Yes

    q3, Is your factory box of the size 2500*2500*2500?

    a3, No

    q4, Is there any physical object inside your factory box?

    a4 , No

    q5, Is the domain size atleast the size of your factory?

    a5, Yes

    q6, Is the domain centered at the factory center?

    a6 , Yes

    so do you mean to say if i make the factory as a Box instead of a plane then this should work?


  • jerrinjobs
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2024

    Hi Shyam

    If your answers become the way I mentioned, it is highly unlikely that your particle will not create.

    However, the factory does not need to be a box. With a plane, please make sure that there is no other geometry within 1500 micron distance of the particle generation start point. (This is not a condition, but just a way to ensure that your meta-particle definition is not what is causing the behavior you see). Also, please ensure that the start point (0,0,0) is a point on the plane.

    Hope this helps.

    Jerrin Job

  • Stephen Cole
    Stephen Cole
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2024

    Just to add a couple of points which maybe relavent. 

    The lattice factory can be a bit sensitive to spacing, so even if you are only creating one particle i'd put the spacing as something within a few order of magnitude of the particle diameter, like 10x or similar.  


    Also its worth checking if the particle has been created and then removed or if many particles have been attempted to be placed.  This video is about factory optimisation but shows how to check the solver report to check factory status https://youtu.be/T9RJ_3uf0us?feature=shared

  • satri
    satri Altair Community Member
    edited February 2024

    So i tried to create the particles with a box the box dimensions are 4000x4000*100 microns the distance between the factory and the geometry is 2000micron and I am trying to create a particle at 0,0,0 in factory. still, nothing comes up. Please tell me why the factory is not generating 1 particle. and the worst of all it hangs, i can't even open the solve report as given in the YouTube video.


  • satri
    satri Altair Community Member
    edited March 2024

    Hey Any reason as to how to make this work? please let me know. I am just trying to make one fiber

  • Stephen Cole
    Stephen Cole
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2024

    Hey Any reason as to how to make this work? please let me know. I am just trying to make one fiber

    Hi Shyam, Could you attach the simulation as a zip? We can take a look then at the settings.

  • satri
    satri Altair Community Member
    edited March 2024

    Hi Shyam, Could you attach the simulation as a zip? We can take a look then at the settings.

    simulation as a box

  • jerrinjobs
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2024

    simulation as a box

    Hi Shyam

    I took a look at your model, and your start point is not inside your factory, as I suspected, and have been asking you to fix.

    Please change that, and your fiber must create.

    Jerrin Job

  • satri
    satri Altair Community Member
    edited March 2024

    Hi Shyam

    I took a look at your model, and your start point is not inside your factory, as I suspected, and have been asking you to fix.

    Please change that, and your fiber must create.

    Jerrin Job

    No it is inside the box..i dont understand what you mean by its not inside the box


    This is my box

    I am asking it to create a particle at 0,0,0 which is a local coordinate inside the box


    Please tell me if this always takes local coordinate system or global coordinate system of the model?

    I am under the impression that EDEM will take local coordinate of the box



  • jerrinjobs
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2024

    No it is inside the box..i dont understand what you mean by its not inside the box


    This is my box

    I am asking it to create a particle at 0,0,0 which is a local coordinate inside the box


    Please tell me if this always takes local coordinate system or global coordinate system of the model?

    I am under the impression that EDEM will take local coordinate of the box



    Hi Shyam

    The position in the lattice parameters are global coordinates.

    Hope this helps.

    Jerrin Job

  • satri
    satri Altair Community Member
    edited March 2024

    Thank you for your response that was helpful. i thought it was creating the coordinate in the local coordinate system.


    Now i have another question Is it possible to create a factory geometry with the command line of edem or edem py? please let me know

  • Stephen Cole
    Stephen Cole
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2024

    Thank you for your response that was helpful. i thought it was creating the coordinate in the local coordinate system.


    Now i have another question Is it possible to create a factory geometry with the command line of edem or edem py? please let me know

    Hi Shyam,

    In EDEMpy there are a couple of functions:

    deck.createGeometry and deck.createFactory which can help here.



