units in AcuProbe!

Hi everone,
after simulation, starting AcuProbe I plot some variables.
For completeness: it's a cfd simulation with 1 fluid-volume, 1 Inflow-, 1 Outflow- und a wall-surfaces.
In AcuConsole, there aren't any units; e.g. right-click on outflow --> Info --> you see just numbers, no units.
For examination, I plotted the 'area' and 'mass flux' for surfaces, 'total mass' and 'volume' for fluid in AcuProbe.
The point is: For 'area' the number is correct, but the unit not: for the displayed number it should be mm^2, but is m^2. For 'volume' it's the same (should be mm^3, is m^3). The total mass is a consecutive fault...mass flux is also absolute unrealistic (4e5 kg/s !!!).
My question:
Does AcuProbe use some 'standard'-units regardless of the AcuSolve SI-Units?
Or is their any consecutive fault w/ units during the whole pre-processing?
--> My CFD mesh is based in a CFD-model from ProEngineer (standard unit for length: mm). It's meshed with HyperMesh and then exported into AcuConsole.
Thank You 4 your advice!
'outflow --> Info --> you see just numbers, no units.' It means the units are Meters.
AcuSolve works by default with MKS ( Meter, Kilogram, Second). So the outputs are written out in MKS.
So AcuProbe would display in MKS or derived units like N/m^2.While exporting mesh from HyperMesh, it is advisable to scale it to meters and then import in AcuConsole.
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Dear Sir,
If the units in hypermesh are in mm, then how to scale to meters in hypermesh?
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Use tool scale > uniform > enter the conversion factor.
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One can also scale the mesh/coordinates within AcuConsole. Mesh Op (top menu pull-down) > Transform Coordinates > Scale.