units in AcuProbe!

Altair Employee
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A

Hi everone,

after simulation, starting AcuProbe I plot some variables.
For completeness: it's a cfd simulation with 1 fluid-volume, 1 Inflow-, 1 Outflow- und a wall-surfaces.

In AcuConsole, there aren't any units; e.g. right-click on outflow --> Info --> you see just numbers, no units.

For examination, I plotted the 'area' and 'mass flux' for surfaces, 'total mass' and 'volume' for fluid in AcuProbe.
The point is: For 'area' the number is correct, but the unit not: for the displayed number it should be mm^2, but is m^2. For 'volume' it's the same (should be mm^3, is m^3). The total mass is a consecutive fault...mass flux is also absolute unrealistic (4e5 kg/s !!!).

My question:
Does AcuProbe use some 'standard'-units regardless of the AcuSolve SI-Units?
Or is their any consecutive fault w/ units during the whole pre-processing?
--> My CFD mesh is based in a CFD-model from ProEngineer (standard unit for length: mm). It's meshed with HyperMesh and then exported into AcuConsole.

Thank You 4 your advice!



  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee
    edited 2015 19

    'outflow --> Info --> you see just numbers, no units.' It means the units are Meters.

    AcuSolve works by default with MKS ( Meter, Kilogram, Second). So the outputs are written out in MKS.
    So AcuProbe would display in MKS or derived units like N/m^2.

    While exporting mesh from HyperMesh, it is advisable to scale it to meters and then import in AcuConsole.

    RAMGANESH Altair Community Member
    edited 2015 02

    Dear Sir,


    If the units in hypermesh are in mm, then how to scale to meters in hypermesh?




  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee
    edited 2015 04

    Use tool scale > uniform > enter the conversion factor. 

  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited 2015 29

    One can also scale the mesh/coordinates within AcuConsole.  Mesh Op (top menu pull-down) > Transform Coordinates > Scale.