unable to create any clients message

Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


I just installed hyperwork 12 student version. I got the message of 'unable to create my clients'. Can you please let me how to resolve this issue? Thanks! Do I need to setup environment variable? If so, how do I do that? thanks in adcnace


Just to add something. I ordered it from one computer. But I install it in another computer. I am wondering if this is the reason?
If so, How can I fix the problem? Thanks


  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2014


    That is the reason for the unable to create clients message,

    software will not work straight away after an install, it needs an official file from the software company,
    The file needed to unlock and make use of a software is officially called the “License file” or “License key” etc

    This license is generated for a particular computer of the buyer so that it cannot be used in another computer,

    When ordering for the license file you must use the ethernet ID of the computer you intend to use the software in,

    Please note the above and re order for a license file using the ethernet id of the computer you will be using the software in and we will approve your new license as a special case.