MOdeling CArbon FIber Sandwich with the Mixed Approach

Zeynep Aydin_22555
Zeynep Aydin_22555 Altair Community Member
edited April 2024 in Community Q&A


currently I run an impact simulation with a model where my part is modeled with only shell elements. So my carbon fiber layers and the honeycomb is modeled with MAT25. I want to make a new model now with the mixed approach, so that I model the Aluminum honeycomb as a solid. Does somebody have knowledge regarding that? How do I define the contact between the carbon fiber layers and the honeycomb?

I would be very thankful for help or advice :)


  • Polyvios Romanidis
    Polyvios Romanidis New Altair Community Member
    edited April 2024

    Hi Zeynep,

    In order to model your material you have to create shell-solid-shell elements throughout thickness.  These elements should share their neighbor nodes.  For the solid elements, which are going to be used for the honeycomb material, you should define a SOL_ORTH property (TYPE6) and probably /MAT/LAW28.

    For your shell elements, which used for carbon fiber, you can use different formulations based on the available information you have for your material and the accuracy you expect:

    1.   /PROP/SH_SANDW (TYPE11) with different /MAT/LAW formulations (LAW25 can be a good match) - all layers should have the same material law (not the same material properties)

    2. /PROP/TYPE51 with different plies and the definition of a laminate


  • Zeynep Aydin_22555
    Zeynep Aydin_22555 Altair Community Member
    edited April 2024

    Thank you for your answer :)

    I modeled it the exact same way. But now I have problems with defining the interface. When I want to define the self contact between the two components for the laminate layers and the honeycomb component I can not choose all of them for the Master Slaves. When I want to create a set with SURF it only shows me the honeycomb as an option. For the rest it says that it doesnt fulfill the criteria or something.. I tried some stuff but I am a little clueless rigth know..

    Best regards


  • Polyvios Romanidis
    Polyvios Romanidis New Altair Community Member
    edited April 2024

    Thank you for your answer :)

    I modeled it the exact same way. But now I have problems with defining the interface. When I want to define the self contact between the two components for the laminate layers and the honeycomb component I can not choose all of them for the Master Slaves. When I want to create a set with SURF it only shows me the honeycomb as an option. For the rest it says that it doesnt fulfill the criteria or something.. I tried some stuff but I am a little clueless rigth know..

    Best regards


    Hi Zeynep,

    You can try to have identical nodes for shell and solid elements.  In this way you can avoid setting an Interface.  In this way your model will be cleaner!
