The Value of the Resitance of Coil conductor without losses regions (linked with electric circuit)

Clement Junior KENDEG ONLA
Clement Junior KENDEG ONLA Altair Community Member
edited March 2023 in Community Q&A


Please, does the "Coil conductor without losses regions" (linked with electric circuit) has internal resitance ?

I am studying a wound rotor induction machine, and the study is being conducted in transient 2D with circuit coupling. When I feed the stator without defining the value of the resistance in the rotor coil (stranded coil conductor ), I still get a current. I don't understand how this is possible. Please, i need help to understand. May be the are an particular equation.

I am working with Flux 2022.



  • Mohammed Elamin_22169
    Mohammed Elamin_22169 New Altair Community Member
    edited March 2023

    Hi Clement, 

    Can you check the resistance of the coil conductors in the solved models and see what values it shows. In Flux the resistance of stranded coil can be defined in two different places. The first one is directly on the circuit (as shown below as additional resistance) and the second one is computed if you include the coil loss model in the definition of the region and provided the material and fill factor for the region. If both are defined, Flux add those two together, if both are not defined you should see zero resistance. 


    I also want to ask why you want to force the resistance to zero because that is not physically correct anyway and based on the equation used (you can find it here) with zero (very small) resistance and induced voltage only your current should goes to infinity or very high value. so if you want to force zero current you should actually assume very high resistance for the coil or connect very high resistance in series with the coil. 
