Can Altair Flux sweep parameters or set tolerance and temperatures on parameters?

I am running simulations for magnet models.
1. The strength of the magnet is sensed by an IC that remains at one position (PCB).
The sensor IC has a detection range (Min, Nom, Max) in mT in general.
I setup the strength of the magnet at a typical value, but this strenght has a minimum, typical and maximum value.
Since we are not modeling the Sensor in Altair, rather the Magnet, is there a way to enter both the min, nom and max value and then compute?
This would give me 3 detectable curves in one plot.
That means that looking from one angle (X-axis), I can see the Min, Nom and Max (on Y-axis).
Now I have one curve because I enter only the nominal (typical) strength value.
2. Since the magnet is sensitive to temperature and our product go in reflow process, is it possible to set the temperature to see how it affect the detection?
Hi Charles,
It is me again.
you can define a parameter controlled via a scenario called (for example MAGNET_STRENGTH) , assign this parameter to your material and then used as controlled parameter when you define the scenario. Once you solve the model from Curve menu you can create a 3D curve (variation against angle and magnet strength). You can convert that one to 2D graph view (their is button to do this on the right side of the screen).