Wear profile of a conveyor belt with DEM

José Figueroa
José Figueroa Altair Community Member
edited June 20 in Community Q&A

Hello dear community,

Could you suggest some ideas on how to create a wear profile of a conveyor belt as the image shown below?

The shaded area represent the frontal view depth wear of a belt.


I have also found the following info from Tom Donohue.

I would like to have a wear profile of my simulation. I really appreciate your references and help.

I also leave you an image of my simulation.

Best regards,





  • PrasadAvilala
    Altair Employee
    edited June 6

    Hi José,

    The plot wear thickness can be calculated using EDEM using either Oka or Archard wear models only.

    To obtain the wear depth you have to enable deformation which help to deform the geometry  based on amount of wear.

    in the wear region use bins to export nodal position before and after wear and you get the thickness/depth of wear over the cross-section of the geometry


    Hope this helps





    Prasad A

  • José Figueroa
    José Figueroa Altair Community Member
    edited June 20

    Hello dear Prasad,

    I was trying to get the nodes position but there isnt an option like that in the created bin. I was also trying with the Type filter option without succeed.

    Best regards,


