Animation (*h3d) files are not being generated while performing explicit crash analysis on Radioss2022.

Aditya Shinde_20791
Altair Community Member
I'm running impact analysis on a custom impact attenuator. Somehow, the results file following the same are not auto-generated, if i provide the command in solver desk of generating a h3d file, A## file is created. Also, the option to view the von-mises stresses is not available, only displacement.
I have given the necessary outputs to be viewed in ANIM/ELEM and also specified proper time steps and time frequency in ANIM/DT.
It would be really helpful if anyone can help with his issue.
I suspect an input error somewhere, Can you share your model (_0000.rad and _0001.rad)? Or show the /H3D /ANIM cards you have used?