TABRND1 referenced by RANDPS data returned a negative value for each frequency. This is probably due to extrapolation of the TABRND1 data.  No results can be calculated.

N_Pat Altair Community Member
edited September 2024 in Community Q&A

Hello All,

I am performing random vibration analysis. I am getting following error,

 *** ERROR # 2813 ***
 TABRND1 referenced by RANDPS data returned a negative value for each
 frequency. This is probably due to extrapolation of the TABRND1 data.
 No results can be calculated.


Does anyone have solution for this error?




  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2024

    could you share your TABRND1 values?

    As mentioned by the error message, if your table ends with a decreasing slope, the solver might extrapolate linearly to the out-of-range values, and this might result into negative values, which don't make sense for PSD input.


  • N_Pat
    N_Pat Altair Community Member
    edited September 2024

    Hello Adriano,

    Thak you for prompt response. As you point out correctly my input table is with decreasing slope, here is some input details

    10 0.02
    12 0.06
    75 0.005
    100 0.0018
    350 0.0018
    800 0.0001

    Is there any way to solve this error? 

  • Xiaolei
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2024
    N_Pat said:

    Hello Adriano,

    Thak you for prompt response. As you point out correctly my input table is with decreasing slope, here is some input details

    10 0.02
    12 0.06
    75 0.005
    100 0.0018
    350 0.0018
    800 0.0001

    Is there any way to solve this error? 

    Hi, when you define tabrnd1, there is a FLAT option to specify the handling method for y-values outside the specified range of x-values in the table.

    When FLAT=FLAT or 1, If an x-value input is outside the range of x-values specified on the table, the corresponding y-value is equal to the start or end points, respectively.


    Alternatively, you can define the PSD values for 0-10 Hz and above 800Hz in order to have a better control over the PSD input(avoid extrapolation).