Altair Solver suggestion
Hello I am working on a study to analyze the permeability of reinforced carbon composite containing 60% carbon fiber and 0.2% reinforcements as seen in picture below. I have generate a cad model in solidworks 2023 and imported it into hypermesh 2023 for meshing.
Now considering a slow flow along y axis driven by pressure gradient of 1 pa, considering water-like fluid with density 1000kg/m^3 and viscocity 0.001 pa*s, using creeping flow with reynolds number<1 , can we apply darcy'law to compute permeability in any of the hyperworks solvers ?
Assuming Pressure drop applied in y axis (front & back faces) using inlet and outlet conditions and applying symmetry in z axis (right & left faces) and wall with no slip conditions for cylinders .
probably hyperworksCFD + AcuSolve for that.