Error File in Fluxmotor

Truc Hoang Ho
Truc Hoang Ho Altair Community Member
edited September 2024 in Community Q&A

I am currently doing an Altair example from this PowerPoint, APPLICATION OF MAGNETIC FORCE EXPORT PER TOOTH:
VIBRATION ANALYSIS FOR ELECTRIC MOTORS AT MULTI-SPEED. The motor in the "Initial_files" from the zipped folder is not running. When opened in FluxMotor the error message would popped up. Is there a motor like this that would run in FluxMotor? I found another one, but it's only in Flux. 



  • Lavanya Vadamodala_20519
    Lavanya Vadamodala_20519
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2024

    Hi Truc,

    I checked in version 2023.1 and was able to run without any issue from my side.

    Can you put the attached motor in your user catalog and run it?

    You can find the path for user catalog in Supervisor < Preferences < Path < Default creation Catalog path

    Thank you,
