Which body is appropirate to use in Vehicle Body attachments in Altair Driver ?

From the CG/Inertia summary, I have computed the center of gravity (CG) of the bike plus rider. I'm using this CG as the CG for the Dummy Vehicle Body, which has a mass of 0.1 kg and an inertia of 5 kg/mm^2.
I have selected this body as the Vehicle Body Attachments for the Altair Driver. However, I'm not sure if my approach is optimal. Should I only use the CG (without rider) for the CG of the Dummy Vehicle Body, or is there a better approach?
Hello Aditya,
You can continue using the Dummy Vehicle Body CG that you have computed. The vehicle body attachment and its CM are used to measure vehicle position, velocities and accelerations which go in as inputs to the Driver model.
The Dummy is used to make sure that the marker location does not cause errors if the user converts the frame to a flex body. In such a case, the dummy body needs to be fixed with the frame using an interface node.