Can I use AutoRider as a Pillion?

I'm trying to use two AutoRider, one as a rider and other as a pillion. Is it possible to use this way ?
I'm getting error while solving this way.
Best Answer
Hello Aditya,
You can use AutoRider as a pillion. You need to add a Marker for reference and choose a body to which the pillion rider will be fixed.
Please note that as you add a rider to a two-wheeler, the mass distribution of the vehicle will change significantly. You might have to change the Driver controller gains to make the vehicle perform maneuvers as expected.
Hello Aditya,
You can use AutoRider as a pillion. You need to add a Marker for reference and choose a body to which the pillion rider will be fixed.
Please note that as you add a rider to a two-wheeler, the mass distribution of the vehicle will change significantly. You might have to change the Driver controller gains to make the vehicle perform maneuvers as expected.