Can I use AutoRider as a Pillion?

TheConvolutedMind Altair Community Member
edited 2023 19 in Community Q&A

I'm trying to use two AutoRider, one as a rider and other as a pillion. Is it possible to use this way ?

I'm getting error while solving this way.

Best Answer

  • Raghavendra_Prabhu
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 19 Answer ✓

    Hello Aditya,

    You can use AutoRider as a pillion. You need to add a Marker for reference and choose a body to which the pillion rider will be fixed.

    Please note that as you add a rider to a two-wheeler, the mass distribution of the vehicle will change significantly. You might have to change the Driver controller gains to make the vehicle perform maneuvers as expected. 




  • Raghavendra_Prabhu
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 19 Answer ✓

    Hello Aditya,

    You can use AutoRider as a pillion. You need to add a Marker for reference and choose a body to which the pillion rider will be fixed.

    Please note that as you add a rider to a two-wheeler, the mass distribution of the vehicle will change significantly. You might have to change the Driver controller gains to make the vehicle perform maneuvers as expected. 

