How to use Flexible Report Template for Non-Wizard Two Wheeler Model ?

How can I integrate the already available report template in non-wizard two wheeler model in MotionView ?
I want to do this so that I don't have to plot different parameters after every iteration. Please help.
Best Answer
TheConvolutedMind said:
Hello Praful Sir,
I tried doing the same.. Unfortunately, I was not able to find the *Report() statement in the mdl.
I have attached the .mdl file herewith. Can you please check.
The *Report() statement that I found in .reports file is as follows:-
</code><code>*Report(rep_ma_driver_twoWhl, Driver Report__________WizardModel__________D:/MultiBody Simulation/WizardModel.xml__________, repdef_ma_driver_truck, "D:/MultiBody Simulation/WizardModel.plt", "D:/MultiBody Simulation/WizardModel.h3d", 70000122, 70000048, 70000125, 70000126, 70000128, 70000129, 70000069, 70000131, "WizardModel", "Altair-Driver Event")
How do I modify this as per my need?
Many Thanks ❤️
Hi Aditya - The report statement that you are looking for is within the AltairDriver system, altair_driver_system.mdl that is in the MotionView install at
C:\Program Files\Altair\2022.2\hwdesktop\hw\mdl\mdllib\Libs\Tasks\AltairDriver
*Report( rep_ma_driver_twoWhl, "Driver Report" + "__________" + Solver_Filename.base + "__________" + Solver_Filename.value + "__________", repdef_ma_driver_truck, { getenv("ALTAIR_HOME") + "/hw/mdl/mdllib/Libs/Tasks/AltairDriver/Driver_report_template.tpl"},
"Altair-Driver Event" )For your non-wizard model, are you using AltairDriver or your own driver ? Can you use the AltairDriver on your model ?
Note the arguments highlighted refer to entities either within the model or within the AltairDriver system. You need an equivalent replacement for these so that the same report template to work.
Alternatively, if you have outputs defined in your model and plots work for you, you can save the plots in the session as a report template and use that report template in the *Report statement.
Hello Aditya
A report template gets associated with a model through the MDL statement *Report()
The inputs needed are a) report definition file b) definition name in the report file and c) arguments that are expected to be passed.
To ease out your task, you may build a 2 wheeler wizard model, save the mdl. Open the mdl in the text editor and search for *Report statement.
Copy this *Report and paste it in your non-wizard model. If your model contains any Analysis (*Analysis() ) and if the report is only relevant to the analysis you may put it within the *DefineAnalysis block. Else, you can put it anywhere in the model as you deem fit.
Note that the arguments being passed when copying are referring to entities within the wizard based model, that would need editing to match with the corresponding entity in your non-wizard model.
Whenever a model containing *Report is exported or Run, the report entry appears in the Analysis > View Reports.
Good luck !
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Hello Praful Sir,
I tried doing the same.. Unfortunately, I was not able to find the *Report() statement in the mdl.
I have attached the .mdl file herewith. Can you please check.
The *Report() statement that I found in .reports file is as follows:-
</code><code>*Report(rep_ma_driver_twoWhl, Driver Report__________WizardModel__________D:/MultiBody Simulation/WizardModel.xml__________, repdef_ma_driver_truck, "D:/MultiBody Simulation/WizardModel.plt", "D:/MultiBody Simulation/WizardModel.h3d", 70000122, 70000048, 70000125, 70000126, 70000128, 70000129, 70000069, 70000131, "WizardModel", "Altair-Driver Event")
How do I modify this as per my need?
Many Thanks ❤️
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TheConvolutedMind said:
Hello Praful Sir,
I tried doing the same.. Unfortunately, I was not able to find the *Report() statement in the mdl.
I have attached the .mdl file herewith. Can you please check.
The *Report() statement that I found in .reports file is as follows:-
</code><code>*Report(rep_ma_driver_twoWhl, Driver Report__________WizardModel__________D:/MultiBody Simulation/WizardModel.xml__________, repdef_ma_driver_truck, "D:/MultiBody Simulation/WizardModel.plt", "D:/MultiBody Simulation/WizardModel.h3d", 70000122, 70000048, 70000125, 70000126, 70000128, 70000129, 70000069, 70000131, "WizardModel", "Altair-Driver Event")
How do I modify this as per my need?
Many Thanks ❤️
Hi Aditya - The report statement that you are looking for is within the AltairDriver system, altair_driver_system.mdl that is in the MotionView install at
C:\Program Files\Altair\2022.2\hwdesktop\hw\mdl\mdllib\Libs\Tasks\AltairDriver
*Report( rep_ma_driver_twoWhl, "Driver Report" + "__________" + Solver_Filename.base + "__________" + Solver_Filename.value + "__________", repdef_ma_driver_truck, { getenv("ALTAIR_HOME") + "/hw/mdl/mdllib/Libs/Tasks/AltairDriver/Driver_report_template.tpl"},
"Altair-Driver Event" )For your non-wizard model, are you using AltairDriver or your own driver ? Can you use the AltairDriver on your model ?
Note the arguments highlighted refer to entities either within the model or within the AltairDriver system. You need an equivalent replacement for these so that the same report template to work.
Alternatively, if you have outputs defined in your model and plots work for you, you can save the plots in the session as a report template and use that report template in the *Report statement.