1]How muli model topology optimization(MMTO) is different from conventional topology optimization (which algorithm used and time saved) 2]How is it different from multi disciplinary optimization(MDO)
1]How muli model topology optimization(MMTO) is different from conventional topology optimization (which algorithm used and time saved)
Is solving algorithm different ? How much time /cost can be saved ?can different design objective is used in 2 models?
2]How is it different from multi disciplinary optimization(MDO)
Hi Prasad,
All of the optimization techniques in OptiStruct fall under the broad category of multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO).
Multi-model optimization (MMO) allows you to optimize multiple different models in the same run (different subcases, modules, etc.) but with a linked common design space.
You can have a different or same objective function in different models.
It uses similar optimization methods to a regular optimization, except different objectives are taken into account using a MAXMIN/MINMAX formulation for the objectives, essentially "maximizing the minimum" of a set of objective functions, or "minimizing the maximum" of a set of objective functions.
More information about running MMO is here:
Rob H.