*** ERROR # 4650 *** The design space for topology/freesize optimization can not contain nonlinear material.

Alejandro Arcas Cobos
Alejandro Arcas Cobos New Altair Community Member
edited May 2021 in Community Q&A

I'm getting this error:

*** ERROR # 4650 ***
The design space for topology/freesize optimization can not
contain nonlinear material.


I'm trying to run a NonLinear Static Subcase of a 3 point bending test where the probe is a tube. I try to run it in analysis and this error appears. I've already succesfully run the same Subcase with a Linear MAT1, the error appears when I change said material to MATS1.


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2021

    can you double check if you don't have any topology or free-size design variable in your model?

    Or can you just change the run option from 'optimization' to 'analysis', when running OptiStruct.