Can you run CHT case with ideal gas state eq and 2eq Turbulence models?

granzer_22210 Altair Community Member
edited September 2021 in Community Q&A


Can a CHT simulation be run with Ideal gas equation of state and 2eq turbulence models like KE, KW, KW-SST? I am able to run the case with SA model, but when ever is use the previously mentioned 2eq model I get the following error:

acuSolve: ---------------------- Input Phase --------------------------
acuSolve: Input CPU/Elapse time = 1.154700e+001 1.951000e+000 Sec
acuSolve: Input Memory Usage = 3.840000e+002 Mbytes
acuSolve: Init. CPU/Elapse time = 1.282000e+000 9.200000e-002 Sec
acuSolve: ---------------------- Begin Time Step ----------------------
acuSolve: Time-Step= 301 ; timeInc= 1.000000e+005 ; time= 3.000000e+007
acuSolve: Temperature-Flow stagger "temperature_flow": FORM-LHS
acuSolve: pressure res ratio = 2.207136e-003
acuSolve: velocity res ratio = 3.455140e-002
acuSolve: temperature res ratio = 1.362420e-001
acuSolve: GMRES No iterations = 36 (0.63)
acuSolve: GMRES 0/1/n norms = 1.146822e-002 1.146822e-002 1.079294e-005
acuSolve: GMRES Iter. CPU/Elapse = 2.813000e+000 2.090000e-001
acuSolve: CGP No iterations = 38
acuSolve: CGP 0/1/n norms = 4.212823e-005 4.291401e-005 4.093476e-007
acuSolve: CGP Iter. CPU/Elapse = 5.656000e+000 3.820000e-001
acuSolve: GMRES No iterations = 17 (1.70)
acuSolve: GMRES 0/1/n norms = 1.590244e-004 9.695475e-005 1.505765e-005
acuSolve: GMRES Iter. CPU/Elapse = 7.235000e+000 5.130000e-001
acuSolve: pressure sol ratio = 1.696775e+000
acuSolve: velocity sol ratio = 2.260088e-001
acuSolve: temperature sol ratio = 5.197388e-002
acuSolve: *** ASSERTION in Function <fElm3SstDc2>
acuSolve: *** DC not implement
acuSolve: *** ASSERTION in Function <fElm3SstDc2>
acuSolve: *** DC not implement
acuSolve: *** ASSERTION in Function <fElm3SstDc2>
acuSolve: *** DC not implement
acuSolve: *** ASSERTION in Function <fElm3SstDc2>
acuSolve: *** DC not implement
acuSolve: *** ASSERTION in Function <fElm3SstDc2>
acuSolve: *** DC not implement


acuRun: *** ERROR: error occurred executing acuSolve" 

I am restarting my run from a constant density simulation which was run till convergence.

I have  tried this on 2019 and 2020 versions of Acusolve. 


Thank you.



  • granzer_22210
    granzer_22210 Altair Community Member
    edited August 2021
    Any info regarding this error would be greatly appreciated.
  • ydigit
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2021

    This error would need deeper investigation, than that can be done on public forum with exchange of files. Please raise a support ticket.