Hi all, my question is, If i made my CAD modell in mmKs sstem ( in Creo), and than import the step file into the CFD program, the unit system will be still mmKs and because of this the pressure unit will be KPa?

Barnabas Retter
Barnabas Retter Altair Community Member
edited January 2023 in Community Q&A


  • Jagan Adithya Elango
    Jagan Adithya Elango Altair Community Member
    edited January 2023

    If you are expecting force in Newtons then it with be N/mm^2, which equals to megapascal (MPa).

    You can try changing the target units while importing the geometry or check if u can interpret the dimensions from mm to m scale in Creo.

  • ydigit
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2023

    I would recommend using SimLab for CFD setup. It supports units. 

  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2023

    If you are expecting force in Newtons then it with be N/mm^2, which equals to megapascal (MPa).

    You can try changing the target units while importing the geometry or check if u can interpret the dimensions from mm to m scale in Creo.

    You can also scale the geometry once you import to HyperWorks CFD (if indicating the desired scale during import doesn't work).  Geometry Ribbon > pull-down next to the 'Edit' group title > Scale

  • Ioannis_Makris
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2023

    Hello Barnabas,

    When talking about CAD geometry then the units refer to distance units (Meters, Inches, etc.). In SimLab after the import of your model you are able to set different options regarding units (Bottom right of your screen).

    To check if the imported model has the correct dimensions you should use the Measure tool and if something is not correctly synchronized, then the transform tool can scale it to your demands.

    Unit Selection (Bottom right of your screen):

    Measure and Transform tool respectively:


    Take care,

    Ioannis Makris