Mesh morphing results in unequal translation of nodes

Hello everyone,
a while ago I noticed some odd behaviour when applying some freehand mesh morphing to nodes lying on a plane. The model in question consists of a lattice cube, each unit cell being subdivided into 10 beam elements. The first picture shows the initial mesh, the fixed nodes are grey and the moving nodes are white.
When morphing with the partitioned option, there's always a dent in one of the regions as seen here. The same happens when, for example, project to plane is chosen.
Kriging results in some slope towards the edges:
Could someone help me in determining how to prevent this and only have the nodes in question move from one plane to another without distortion?
In addition, is it possible to export the morphing shape to a RADIOSS solver deck? The model needs to be fed into Hyperstudy and both the morphing shape and beam thicknesses are supposed to be modified, however importing a HM model with shapes into Hyperstudy does not seem to allow the beam thickness to be defined as a variable. Alternatively, it would of course also work to be able to choose the beam thicknesses in the HM model importing window, but only shapes and shell thickness is available there.
I had pretty good luck using inferred or free edges