Order of Beam 1D Elements using Radioss?

I am interested in knowing whether or not it is possible to specify the order (1st, 2nd, etc) of a 1D beam element for use with Radioss. I have looked at the Theory Manual for Radioss and it suggests that only bar2 elements can be created (which I gather are linear beam elements). The User Guide for Hypermesh does indicate there are bar3 elements available (2nd order type) and I assume that it is Radioss then that does not support this type (I can't seem to create a bar3 in Hypermesh when the User Profile is set to Radioss). So I am wondering if this is indeed the case - does Radioss not support a higher-order 1D beam element? Or is there another way to model a higher order 1D element?
Thank you in advance for any information you're able to provide and please let me know if you need any clarification.
Best Answer
as far as I know, Radioss currently supports only second-order solid elements.
There are two types of mesh convergence (h- and p-refinement). H-refinement relates to the reduction in the element sizes, while p-refinement relates to increasing the order of the element. Since higher-order elements are not available, refining the mesh size is the only option.
as far as I know, Radioss currently supports only second-order solid elements.
There are two types of mesh convergence (h- and p-refinement). H-refinement relates to the reduction in the element sizes, while p-refinement relates to increasing the order of the element. Since higher-order elements are not available, refining the mesh size is the only option.