Modeling dielectric lens in FEKO

I am tried simulating an dielectric lens (attached ) using varies solvers in FEKO. When I increased the diameter of the lens to be greater than 15 lambda I run into memory issues (I have a 256GB RAM computer), out of core computation also failed. I don't want to use RLGO as it is not very accurate. I tried symmetric planes in FEM simulation but no success. Can you please suggest some solution for this problem. I have a FEKO university license, when I run FDTD solver I get this error message 'The voxel mesh is currently limited to less than 2 000 000 000 voxels' is there a possibility to use symmetric planes in FDTD mesh?
Hello shan25,
I would try MLFMM (without stabilisation at first) with two planes of symmetry (even though symmetry won't help much for the MLFMM, since it will fall back to geometrical symmetry). I did notice that your symmetry planes are not defined correctly for your source - you need to fix that (the one should be a magnetic plane).
I can't think of any other approximations to use, if you don't want to use RL-GO.
The voxel mesh limit is not just for students and symmetry is supported for FDTD.
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Hello Jif
Thanks for your reply. Can you let me know how to define symmetry planes in FDTD. When I activate FDTD solver in solver settings, symmetry button in solve/run tab gets disabled.
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It is disabled because symmetry is not currently supported for FDTD.0