Separating indoor and outdoor pixels

Edomuta Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

What is the most effective way for separating results for indoor and outdoor pixels in Urban scenarios (with large number of urban buildings)?



  • Reiner_Hoppe
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2016

    Generally the indoor and outdoor pixels can be separated using a mask file (which is a WinProp binary result file including the value 1 for those locations/pixel which shall be considered and the value 0 for those locations/pixels which shall be skipt). For urban scenarios such a mask file can be generated at the preprocessing in WallMan. For this purpose you need to activate under the General tab of the urban prerpocessing parameters under the optional output files the morpho clutter data with height interval of e.g. 1000m (should be larger than the highest building). Then during the preprocessing an *.mdb file in the defined resolution will be generated with the value 1 for the indoor pixels and the value 0 for the outdoor pixels.

    Then just rename this *.mdb file to *.mas and use it for the masking in ProMan by loading e.g. an *.fpp result file and then select Edit => Mask Data => Mask Result file. After this only the indoor pixels will remain in the result.


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