PSIM Transfer Function Implementation

Jayvie Gabriel Templonuevo
Jayvie Gabriel Templonuevo Altair Community Member
edited October 2024 in Community Q&A

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to implement this transfer function in PSIM as shown below where K is the gain and t1, T1, and T2 are time constants that can be changed. This is based on the Generalized Droop Control for Inverters. 

image - sample - image

I have tried simplifying the denominator into a second order equation and used a S-Domain transfer function block as shown below. From the simplification, T3 = T1+T2 and T4 = T1*T2. Is this correct way of implementation or are there other ways to implement it in PSIM? Also, is there a way to test if its response is correct? Would it be correct to use the AC sweep function?


Thank you very much!



  • Ju4n_R0sales
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2024


    Yes! Your use of the Transfer Function block is correct and using any of the AC sweep blocks to test the response!

