Leaf spring analysis

Altair Forum User said:
Hi Pratik,
We have discussed on a similar model.
As told before for achieving this simulation you will have to run this simulation for a long time in RADIOSS, which is not recommended. Else,instead of concentrated load we will have to try with an imposed load (imposed displacement) type so that we can simulate it in a short time.
The other option is to run with OptiStruct, where you can easily simulate this.
For above leaf spring, as per your suggestion, this time I have used optistruct with NLSTAT analysis using LGDISP in loadstep. Since I am new to this software will you help me make solver deck (required control cards, slide contacts and interfaces and non linear material prop).
Just for information:
In this material is non linear with YTS 1200MPa and UTS 1600MPa. I will be giving load at bottom nodes equally distributed among nodes as given in .hm file. I have given boundary condition properly. I want to calculate displacement of leaf spring and von mises too for this given load. There is freeze contact everywhere except 1st leaf and tip insert. Please check pcont properties are correct. please check whether NLPARM parameters are correct for my required outputs. Please check my load step whether it is correct. Please send .hm file after correction.
Thanks and regards,
Please someone answer.
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Hi Pratik,
I am afraid there are too many errors with contact surfaces. Plese select 3Dfaces when creating contact surfaces for 3D elements.
I am sharing a sample model for Nonlinear transient which uses LGDISP